Travel, Talent, and Transformation
authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they are extremely knowledgeable. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by world-class professionals.

Spanning more than 220 countries and territories, provides millions of unforgettable journeys with its straightforward travel and accommodation services every year. A team of hybrid employees enables its customers’ adventures and has contributed to a thriving workplace. was recognized for providing the Best Leadership Teams and Best Global Culture in 2023 by Comparably, a site for employees to rate companies. It was also included on Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies list for 2024 and was named one of Forbes’ World’s Best Employers in 2023.
As Chief People Officer and SVP, Paulo Pisano guides the exceptional work environment at Arriving at the company in early 2020—just as the pandemic began to cause significant upheaval in the tourism industry—Pisano helped employees navigate this turbulent period and flourish in a new hybrid work setting. Since 2021, he has also served as Executive Vice President and CHRO of Booking Holdings, the parent company for, KAYAK, OpenTable, Priceline and Agoda.
Joining Michelle Labbe on The Talent Economy podcast, Pisano talks about what he has learned over the last few years, his expectations for the future, and how the experiences and cultural enrichment that provides to its customers plays into company culture.
Some Questions Asked:
- What unique travel benefits and experiences does offer to its employees?
- How does maintain and promote a unified company culture across its diverse portfolio of brands?
- How does intend to utilize AI?
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- Why benefits from hiring early-career talent.
- How to coordinate a global workforce in a hybrid environment.
- How managing the HR of a parent company offers different challenges and opportunities than other HR roles.
- Paulo Pisano - LinkedIn
- - LinkedIn
- Michelle Labbe - LinkedIn
- Toptal - LinkedIn
- The Talent Economy podcast